Donation for victims of the war in Ukraine

The board of Queen Margrethe’s and Prince Henrik’s Foundation and the board of Crown Prince Frederik’s and Crown Princess Mary’s Foundation have together decided to donate 1,000,000 DKK for victims of the war in Ukraine.

Under the banner “Together for Ukraine”, a large number of Danish relief organizations are making collections on 12 March 2022 for emergency help for victims of the war in Ukraine.

Her Majesty The Queen and the Crown Prince Couple wish to support the collection with a joint donation from Queen Margrethe’s and Prince Henrik’s Foundation and Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary’s Foundation of 1,000,000 DKK. In connection with the donation, The Queen says:

“There is war in Europe again. It makes me immensely sad to witness what is now happening in Ukraine. The progress and the hope that flourished in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall now crumble before our eyes.  

Daily, we see pictures of the war’s destruction and injustice. Lamentable pictures of children and women who must say farewell to their fathers, brothers and husbands, who fight for Ukraine as soldiers, but also heroic pictures of a strong Ukrainian youth, who fight for the freedom they have a right to, and which they defend with their lives just now.

For us as Danes, the whole situation makes an indelible impression. We sympathize with the people of Ukraine and support all who provide relief and work to save lives.  

May this senseless war be brought to an end as soon as possible.”

The following relief organizations receive part of the total amount:

ADRA Denmark, Amnesty International Denmark, CARE Denmark, CARITAS Denmark, Danish People’s Aid, Danish Refugee Council, DanChurchAid, International Media Support, Doctors Without Borders, ActionAid Denmark, Mission East, Oxfam Ibis, the Danish branch of Plan International, Save the Children, Red Cross, SOS Children’s Village, UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency and UNICEF Denmark.