Her Majesty The Queen visits Brazil
Her Majesty The Queen pays an official visit to Brazil in October together with Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities Lars Aagaard to focus on Danish-Brazilian cooperation on biodiversity, health and the fight against violence against women.

The days of 2-5 October, The Queen travels to Manaus and Brasilia in Brazil on a trip that will help to emphasise the desire for additional strengthened cooperation and deepening of the Danish-Brazilian relationship. Areas such as sustainability, biodiversity and climate are central, common priorities for Brazil and Denmark.
Among other things, The Queen will visit the Amazon rain forest and its river systems as well as the hardy Brazilian savannah, the Cerrado. Previously, Denmark has committed to providing support for the Amazon Fund, which fights against illegal deforestation of the rain forest and promotes sustainable development. In connection with the visit to Brazil’s botanical garden, which is located in the Cerrado, The Queen meets with the United Nations Environmental Programme, UNEP. The Queen, who is the patron of UNEP, has focused on biodiversity and conservation of nature for a number of years.
The Queen will also meet with female leaders, representatives from ministries and the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, to discuss equality and the fight against gender-based violence in Brazil and globally. Through her commitment to the rights of girls and women, including as patron of UNFPA, The Queen’s visit can contribute to creating a platform for Danish-Brazilian experience exchanges.
News media contact at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Katrine Nielsen, phone: +45 24 77 40 60 or e-mail katnil@um.dk