Program for state visit in Germany
At the invitation of the Federal Republic of Germany’s President, HE Frank-Walter Steinmeier, HM The Queen and HRH The Crown Prince pay a state visit in the country the days of 10-13 November 2021. The visit takes place in Germany’s capital, Berlin, where both The Queen and The Crown Prince will be present, after which The Queen alone will continue the visit in the state of Bavaria’s capital, Munich.

Welcome at Berlin Airport
The Queen arrives at Berlin Airport, where the head of the Office of the Federal President, Stephan Steinlein and Denmark’s ambassador to Germany, HE Susanne Hyldelund, welcome Her Majesty.
In connection with the arrival, a 21-gun salute will be fired and two fighter jets from the German air force will fly over the area. Her Majesty will also inspect a guard of honor.
Official welcome at Schloss Bellevue
The Queen and The Crown Prince are officially welcomed by Germany’s President and First Lady at their official residence, Schloss Bellevue. Schloss Bellevue, which is centrally located in Berlin’s Tiergarten close to the Spree River, has been the official residence of presidents of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1994.
During the welcoming ceremony, The Queen and The Crown Prince will sign the guest book and greet the two official delegations, after which Her Majesty will inspect a guard of honor in the presence of The Crown Prince and others.
Visit at the university hospital Charité
The Queen visits the university hospital Charité, which is one of the largest university hospitals in Europe with international recognition for its research, education and treatment. During the visit, Her Majesty will, among other things, see presentations about the hospital’s history and development and visit project stations where the hospital’s newest projects are presented.
Visit at Vattenfall Power Plant Reuter West
The Crown Prince visits Vattenfall’s power station Reuter West, whose coal-fired power plant is about to be decommissioned as a result of Germany’s ambition of having a coal-free energy sector. For five decades, the coal-fired power plant has delivered heat and electricity to the western part of Berlin, but henceforth the power plant will play an important role in Vattenfall’s planned phase-out of coal in Berlin by 2030.
During the visit, The Crown Prince will, among other things, receive a presentation about Vattenfall and Reuter West’s current form of production, after which His Royal Highness will be introduced to the power plant’s process regarding the ongoing and future transition from coal to greener solutions.
Official luncheon with HE Chancellor Angela Merkel
The Queen and The Crown Prince take part in an official luncheon at the German chancellor’s official residence and secretary, Kanzleramt. Upon their arrival, Her Majesty and His Royal Highness will be formally welcomed by the chancellor.
Wreath-laying ceremony at Neue Wache
The Queen and The Crown Prince participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at Neue Wache, which is a memorial for victims of fascism and militarism. The wreath will be laid by a copy of Käthe Kollwitz’s statue “Mother with dead son”, which is situated inside the building.
Visit at Humboldt Forum
The Queen and The Crown Prince visit Humboldt Forum, which is Berlin’s new cultural center that opened in the summer of 2021. Humboldt Forum houses, among other things, the non-European collections from Berlin’s national museums as well as the German ethnological museum and the museum for Asian art. During the visit, The Queen and The Crown Prince will view the exhibition “Berlin-Global”, which is about Berlin’s modern history.
Visit at the Brandenburg Gate
The Queen and The Crown Prince are greeted by Berlin’s mayor, Michael Müller, at the German capital’s famous monument, the Brandenburg Gate. The monument is the only preserved city gate from Berlin’s old customs wall.
Reception for the Danish business delegation
The Crown Prince takes part in a reception for the Danish business delegation. Upon arrival, His Royal Highness is greeted by Trade Council director Steen Hommel, who afterwards will introduce The Crown Prince to representatives from business organizations.
State banquet at Schloss Bellevue
The Queen and The Crown Prince participate in a state banquet at Schloss Bellevue.
Opening of the Danish-German business conference at Kosmos
The Queen and The Crown Prince take part in the opening of the Danish-German business conference. The conference takes place at Kosmos, which opened in 1961 as the country’s most modern film theater. The building’s architects took inspiration from the space race at the time, and the interior lamps, for example, are built so that they look vapor trails from a rocket.
Ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the building underwent an extensive modernization and now functions as a conference center. In connection with the opening, The Queen and The Crown Prince will be welcomed by foreign affairs minister Jeppe Kofod, after which Her Majesty will give the opening speech.
Activities in connection with the business conference at Kosmos
In connection with the business conference, The Crown Prince participates in a number of activities. Among other things, His Royal Highness will attend and speak at a cross-sectional seminar, after which The Crown Prince will visit the three industry tracks: energy, health and food products. Finally, His Royal Highness attends the opening of a food products seminar and, among other things, receives a presentation about sustainable solutions.
Visit at Pierre Boulez concert hall
The Queen visits the music conservatory Barenboim-Said Akademie, which offers bachelor’s degrees and diploma certificates in music. The academy houses the elliptical concert hall Pierre Boulez Saal, where around 150 events are held each season.
The visit marks the start of a new four-year cooperative agreement between the Danish Arts Foundation and Pierre Boulez Saal. The collaboration will involve the performance of a number of works with newly composed music by Danish composers for a German and international audience in Pierre Boulez Saal. During the visit, Her Majesty will receive a presentation about the original ideas behind the concert hall’s architecture and behind the Barenboim-Said Akademie, after which The Queen will attend musical performances by, among others, the academy’s students.
Visit at Litteraturhaus Berlin
The Queen visits Litteraturhaus Berlin, which is a public institution that has the purpose of promoting culture and literature in Berlin. The visit is part of a literature program which, among other things, includes a seminar for Danish lecturers in Germany and several literature events for children.
In connection with the visit, Her Majesty will see a new exhibition about Herman Bang and greet the children participating in a literature event about the author Ole Lund Kirkegaard. Afterwards, The Queen will attend a lecture about Herman Bang’s influence on Danish, German and European literature and unveil a plaque commemorating the author.
Luncheon at Litteraturhaus Berlin
The Queen participates in a luncheon at Litteraturhaus Berlin.
Visit at AEDES Architecture Forum
The Crown Prince visits the AEDES Architecture Forum, which is a world-renowned, independent institution and exhibition place for international presentation of modern architecture and urban design. The purpose of the visit is to focus on the housing forms of the future, and the Danish contributions consist of selected projects from the Danish Arts Foundation’s and Realdania’s housing laboratory. During the visit, The Crown Prince will be shown two current exhibitions and attend a seminar.
Visit at the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
The Queen and The Crown Prince visit the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation, which is newly opened and focuses on displacement, expulsion and forced migration in 20th century Europe. The visit marks a new agreement between the Varde Museums and the Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation, which in the future will collaborate on remembrance culture and interpretation of the joint Danish-German history and German witnesses at Oksbøl during the Second World War.
During the visit, The Queen and The Crown Prince will, among other things, tour an exhibition that communicates experiences from the Oksbøl military and refugee camp.
Visit at the music venue Festsaal Kreuzberg
The Crown Prince visits the music venue Festsaal Kreuzberg, which is the setting for the launch of “NEUSTART”, which is a new venture for modern, Danish music in the German market in 2022. In connection with the visit, His Royal Highness will attend a number of speeches and musical performances.
Return arrangement at the German Historical Museum
In the evening, The Queen hosts a return arrangement in which The Crown Prince also participates. The arrangement is held in the German Historical Museum in honor of the Federal Republic of Germany’s President and his wife, Elke Büdenbender.
News media conference at Humboldt Forum
The Queen holds a news media conference.
Official welcome at Residenz München
The Queen alone continues the visit in the state of Bavaria’s capital, Munich. Her Majesty is officially welcomed on the square in front of Residenz München, which is the former royal palace of the Wittelsbach monarchs of Bavaria. Now, Residenz München is a museum and houses reception rooms for the Bavarian minister president.
Visit at the Glyptothek
The Queen visits Glyptothek, Munich’s oldest public museum, which in its time was built by the Bavarian King Ludwig I to house his collection of Greek and Roman sculptures. At the museum, visitors can, among other things, view works by Bertel Thorvaldsen, commissioned by King Ludwig I, and Her Majesty will tour the exhibition in connection with the visit.
The visit at the Glyptothek is in extension of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of Thorvaldsen in 2020 and the recently concluded exhibition in Munich, “Bertel Thorvaldsen and Ludwig 1”.
Visit at Munich Urban Colab
The Queen visits Munich Urban Colab, which is part of Europe’s largest entrepreneurship center “UnternehmerTUM”. Munich Urban Colab is an example of how Bavaria has increased the effort around sustainable entrepreneurship. During the visit, Her Majesty will, among other things, be introduced to selected innovation workshops and greet Danish start-ups.
CANCELLED: State banquet at Residenz München
In connection with The Queen’s visit, a state banquet is held at Residenz München.
Visit at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich
The Queen visits the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, which is one of the world’s most recognized educational institutions for handicrafts and design. In connection with the visit, Her Majesty will, among other things, be shown works by the academy’s students and visit the jewelry workshops.
The visit marks a new fellowship collaboration between the Danish Arts Foundation and the Academy that builds upon the major exhibitions of Danish jewelry art in 2020 at the State Collections of Antiquities in Munich and the Museum of Applied Arts in Cologne, respectively.