Programme for HRH The Crown Prince's visit to Niamey in Niger
During a two-day visit in Niger’s capital, Niamey, HRH The Crown Prince, together with Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen, has focused on several agenda items revolving around the fight for the climate. Niger and the Sahel region are particularly vulnerable to climate change, with temperatures that are rising 1.5 times faster than the global average. Changes in the climate intensify existing conflicts over scarce resources and exacerbate the vulnerability and the humanitarian needs of the poorest population groups.

On the trip’s first day, The Crown Prince and Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen met with the President of Niger, HE Mohamed Bazoum, and foreign affairs minister HE Hassoumi Massaoudou. At the meeting, the topics discussed included Niger’s experiences from the country’s membership in the UN Security Council, while The Crown Prince and the minister presented Denmark’s key issues. This took place as part of the campaign to secure for Denmark a seat on the Security Council when new members are selected in 2024.
During the meeting with the President and the foreign affairs minister, a new collaboration between the two countries was also launched, involving a development contribution of DKK 800 million to Niger. Over the next five years, a large part of the contribution will go to the agricultural and water sectors, for which Denmark has been an established partner for many years.
The following day, The Crown Prince visited a school that has received Danish support for reconstruction following a fire. Through conversations with the children, The Crown Prince gained insight into the challenges ordinary schooling can have in Niger, but also a clear look into one of Niger’s most important political priorities: focus on the education of girls.
After a meeting with a Danish-supported businesswoman who has built up a food products company with a focus on the local crop moringa, The Crown Prince was in the company of a number of young people. They are all part of a Save the Children project and shared their narratives about youth life and concerns about climate change, poverty and employment.
The day’s last two visits focused on the security situation in the region, and The Crown Prince thus visited the National Guard Training Center before the visit program concluded with a tour on the river in the Gendarmerie’s boat. Here, finally, there was also discussion of how changes in the climate affect the Niger River and the millions of people who live along the river’s 4180-kilometer-long banks.
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
HRH The Crown Prince participates in a meeting with the President of Niger, HE Mohamed Bazoum, and foreign affairs minister HE Hassoumi Massaoudou
HRH The Crown Prince participates together with Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen in a meeting with the President of Niger, HE Mohamed Bazoum, and foreign affairs minister HE Hassoumi Massaoudou.
Thursday, 25 May 2023
HRH The Crown Prince visits the schools Pays-Bas I and II together with the organization UNICEF
HRH The Crown Prince participates together with Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen and UNICEF in visits to two sections of the school Pays-Bas I and II. The school has received Danish support to reconstruct two buildings following a severe fire. In addition, Denmark has supported construction of latrines and solar panels at the school.
HRH The Crown Prince visits the company Groupe Malayka
HRH The Crown Prince and Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen visit the green company Groupe Malayka, which Denmark has supported through a previous country program. During the visit, the focus is on sustainability, equality and entrepreneurship.
HRH The Crown Prince visits the youth project Gallery Taweydo together with Save the Children
HRH The Crown Prince participates together with Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen and Save the Children in a meeting with young people from the project Gallery Taweydo, with a focus on inclusion, climate change and education.
HRH The Crown Prince visits the National Guard Training Center
HRH The Crown Prince visits the National Guard Training Center together with Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen and observes training of the forces. The visit, which was arranged by EUCAP, focuses on security, stabilization and human rights.
HRH The Crown Prince takes part in sailing tour on the Niger River with the Gendarmerie
HRH The Crown Prince and Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen participate in a sailing tour on the Niger River in the Gendarmerie’s boat. Representatives from Niger’s environment ministry also take part. During the sailing tour, the focus is on the effects that climate change is having on the river and Niger.
HRH The Crown Prince participates in official reception
HRH The Crown Prince participates together with Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen in a cocktail buffet with Niger’s government, partners and members of the diplomatic corps.