Restoration of the Hermitage Pavilions and Royal Bridge at Fredensborg Palace

The Hermitage Pavilions and the Royal Bridge in Fredensborg Palace Garden will be restored in connection with the 50th anniversary of HM The Queen’s accession to the throne. The restoration is made possible by a donation of 24 million DKK from the A.P. Møller and Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation for General Purposes.
The restoration likewise marks the completion of many years of work on recreating the Baroque garden in Fredensborg Palace Garden, which in 2021 was honored with the Europa Nostra Award. The A.P. Møller Foundation has continuously supported the extensive restoration of the palace garden since 2009.
The work on the Pavilions and the Royal Bridge commences in the spring of 2022. Restoration of the Royal Bridge is expected to be finished at the end of 2022, but the Pavilions will be finished at the beginning of 2024.
The two Hermitage Pavilions were originally built at the wish of Frederik IV to be used for service when the Royal Family dined by the lake. The existing buildings date from 1765 and were built by the French court architect Nicolas-Henri Jardin.
The Royal Bridge was presented to Prince Henrik as a 60th birthday gift, and it was put into use in 1996. The Royal Bridge is located at the end of the palace garden in a straight axis in line with one of the avenues that extend from Fredensborg Palace in a star shape and that are a distinctive mark from the garden’s original French Baroque style.