European Immunization Week 2018

Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO) markerer i denne uge European Immunization Week og sætter fokus på vaccinationers betydning for verdens sundhed og udvikling. Som protektor for WHO Regional Office for Europe udtaler H.K.H. Kronprinsessen:

Foto: WHO ©

"Globally for over 50 years the humble vaccine, which uses the body’s natural immune response to ward off dangerous infections, has been at the heart of advancements in health protection and well-being. Few interventions can match the impact vaccination has had on the improvement of global health. Vaccination has created enormous opportunities for global sustainable development that would have been unthinkable, without it.    

In the coming years, increased vaccination coverage and new vaccines will allow us to tackle even more disease threats and further extend the benefits of vaccination to everyone in the WHO European Region. Achieving this for the future will require new policies to reach the underserved and new approaches to ensure that the risks and benefits of vaccination are effectively communicated and fully understood.

Every one of us plays a role in achieving a healthier future for all. By ensuring ourselves and our children are vaccinated we prevent the spread of dangerous infections and by seeking and sharing credible and trustworthy information we empower ourselves and others to make the right decisions. Widespread vaccination is the only way we can eliminate once-common diseases, such as; measles, rubella, polio and pertussis. Vaccination is integral to improving global health and welling-being and is an essential contributor to sustained personal, community and global development."

WHO Regional Office for Europe
Verdenssundhedsorganisationen er FNs særorganisation indenfor sundhedsområdet. Den har over 50 års erfaring med at koordinere den internationale indsats med henblik på forbedring af sundhed og levestandarder. WHO Regional Office for Europe samarbejder med 52 lande i Vest- og Østeuropa samt Centralasien. WHOs vigtigste opgave er at styrke nationale og lokale sundhedssystemer samt at fremme sundheden hos regionens befolkninger i samarbejde med regeringer, NGO'er og andre partnere.