H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale ved "The Brain Prize 2023"

Offentliggjort den 6. juni 2023.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I pleasure to see so many bright minds gathered to take part in the Brain Prize Ceremony.

Tonight, we celebrate the world of neuroscience, its great discoveries, and its many remaining secrets. We pay tribute to the brilliant minds who help us push the frontiers of our knowledge with their scientific discoveries.

For more than a decade I have attended the Brain Prize Ceremony – and every year opens a new chapter about the brain and the scientific field devoted to its study.

The Brain Prize celebration gives us the opportunity to gather outstanding scientists from around the world – You, have moved the field forward and shed new light on the brain.

Tonight, we honour three outstanding scientists who have dedicated their lives and careers to unlocking some of the mysteries of the brain and opened our eyes to the world at play inside the billions of cells of the brain.

It is said that the brain holds the seat of our identity, our consciousness, our thoughts, behaviors, and memories. One could even say; we ARE our brains. Without it, we wouldn’t be who we are. And we wouldn’t be human. And that is well worth noting, in a time where AI is pushing the boundaries of perception.

The brain simply cannot be replaced. It is capable of extraordinary things. From controlling our very first steps and encounters with the world to new experiences and memories throughout life, from learning new languages, to appreciating music, and to falling in love.

And yet - we have only just scratched the surface of understanding how the brain accomplishes these daily miracles.

The work of this year’s Brain Prize winners is about fundamental basic science related to the brain. I am told that it is about the proteins inside the neurons, and how they allow the brain to develop when we are young, and to function throughout life.

Now the mechanics of how this works is incomprehensible to someone who studied political science. However, I do know that the work of our Brain Prize winners has brought us an important step closer to understanding how our brains develop and adapt during the many different phases of a human life. 

As the proud father of four children, I have seen the incredible curiosity and creativity that can be unleashed in your children's brains when we encourage and nurture their development. 

I have also witnessed how their brains and thoughts can change dramatically when they become teenagers and when teenagers become adults. 

Being a parent is a front row seat to an endless marvel and joy – and of course also a lot of frustration.

All this to say that being here tonight reminds me of the incredible potential of the human brain, and of the importance of supporting continued research in the field of neuroscience.

Allow me to close with a quote of the inadequacies of the brain:

"Of all the organs in the body, the brain must be the most misunderstood. It works tirelessly day and night, yet it still can’t resist the temptation to forget where you left your keys!”

I would like to commend the Brain Prize winners for their tireless work and for their stamina and commitment, even though I am sure even you have been let down by Your Brains.  

I hope you will continue to inspire future generations of scientists to push the boundaries of our understanding and unlock the incredible potential of this intriguing organ.

Dear Professors; Christine Holt, Erin Schuman and Michael Greenberg.

Your remarkable contributions stand out in the global world of neuroscience – and your prize is thoroughly well deserved.

Allow me to present you with The Brain Prize 2023.

Congratulations to all of you - Thank you.

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